Research Stock

5 Ways to Research Your Stock

As an investor, you have the option of either hiring an expert to handle your money or take the more ‘hands-on-approach’. Whichever the case, you must research on the stocks and manage your investments. Here are 5 ways to do so:


 #1. Identify the ideal research platform

This should provide you with a wealth of data. Whether you are looking for financial statements, quotes for stocks, key statistics, current stock prices or any sort of data, you’d be surprised by how extensive this resource can be. In short, the research platform acts as a gateway to all the info you need.


#2. Assess the fundamentals

You can’t invest into the stock market without evaluating a company’s competitive positioning and stock performance. Check the stocks’ earnings, growth rate, and dividends yield in comparison to other competitors.


#3.  News and research reports

Be all ears about any news that could affect the market in which you wish to invest in. News can have a major impact on stock prices so to be on the safe side, enlist with a dedicated news and events feed for updates. There are so many ways to access news today. In fact, social media can also come in handy.


#4. Screeners

Filtering through the numerous opportunities can be a tough decision – well, that’s if you don’t have the right tools. One such tool is a screener. This tool will help you find the candidate worth investing in. Please note that this does not eliminate the need for further analysis.


#5. Practice & review

Once you have assessed the stocks, risk tolerance and other relevant details you can now go ahead and make the big decision. Manage your stocks position over the investment time-frame. Practice does indeed make perfect so expand your investment portfolio.

That’s how to research the stock market in readiness for a big investment.

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