Did you know that 1 in every 5 Americans (in the middle tax bracket) pay about 13% in federal  taxes? But don't let that deceive you, this average hides a big variation - some of us don't pay anything yet others pay more than 25%...

Stock portfolio and mutual funds investing are influenced by growth and value of the companies. Investors who utilize mutual fund growth strategy identify stocks that have a high potential for high earnings. On the other hand, value fund investors are interested in stocks that seem...

Different approaches The two basic approaches to stock mutual fund investing are through growth and by value. On one hand, mutual fund managers look for stocks of companies that can offer a strong potential in earnings growth. On the other hand, value fund managers prefer to...

As an investor, you have the option of either hiring an expert to handle your money or take the more 'hands-on-approach'. Whichever the case, you must research on the stocks and manage your investments. Here are 5 ways to do so:    #1. Identify the ideal research...

Investing has associated risks. Stock market investing attracts risks such as market volatility that reduce the value of investments. Investors hope that they will get good financial returns in the long-term. The stock index fund is not capable of offering sufficient protection during stock market...

Bond ETFs are just a unique category of mutual fund wrapping. Bond ETFs trades at a discount the entire day. This also means that it trades at a premium in comparison to the underlying shares’ Net Asset Value (NAV). There is a small difference between...

Investment machines Roboadvisors are a class of financial advisors that provide electronic portfolio management services with minimal human intervention. They make use of algorithms such as Modern Portfolio Theory to conduct portfolio management. Their main task is to perform 'cookbook' financial investment management through a computer...

Introduction In the modern world, it is inevitable for a person to stay without undertaking activities that are associated with risk. This way, it is clear that modern man is capable taking investment risks which usually lead to acquiring of wealth. Chances of surviving in the...

Many investors are attracted to dividend stocks because these investment instruments provide a predictable source of fairly stable income. Dividend stocks also have the potential for capital appreciation and can insulate against market volatility. They are more attractive than bonds in a volatile and uncertain...

It is important for young people who are interested in investing to adopt the diversified approach. Diversification of investment platforms is necessary for minimizing the level of risk exposure.   Diversification implies spreading financial resources across several investments; for example, stocks, cash savings, mutual funds, and bonds....